Basildon Therapy Clinics have professionally registered osteopaths. Mr. Viv Karadia has worked for the NHS for over twenty years. The osteopaths are registered with the British Osteopathic Association and General Osteopathic Council. The principal aim is to provide a comprehensive and complete whole-body care management plan for everyone. Don’t mask your pain with pills and store up more problems for the future, let our Osteopaths tackle the soft tissues causing the pain and restore the best movement and balance of the muscles and joints. We can help with pain management and help restore the body’s balance to its full potential.
Osteopath Basildon Therapy Clinics
Professional and Friendly Osteopath With Over 35 Years Experience in Basildon, Essex
What To Expect From Osteopathy
The osteopath will take your full medical history and observe individuals simple movements, before performing orthopaedic type tests designed to help formulate a diagnosis. The osteopath then uses a highly developed sense of touch called palpation, to examine the body and identify points of inappropriate compensation, weakness and excessive strain on the soft tissue.
Comprehensive and Personalised Diagnosis
Once the diagnosis has been made, the osteopath designs an individual treatment plan specially tailored for the patient. Osteopaths use their hands to carry out a wide variety of treatment techniques. These include; massage to relax the muscles and relieve stresses and strains on the ligaments and tendons. Stretching to help joint mobility and if required a joint mobilisation technique to improve range of movement and balance of joints.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
The number of treatments required varies according to the individual and their condition. Here at the Basildon Therapy Clinics, we pride ourselves on limiting the number of treatments by encouraging the patient to self-help themselves, prescribing exercises designed to help their recovery and explaining the dos and don’ts. There is a common misconception that osteopathy is simply about ‘bad backs’ – in reality, it is much broader than this and can help in providing effective relief from a wide range of common ailments, and to decrease stress and minimise pain through manipulation and mobilisation of joints.